The Best Online Learning Experience For Future Programmers

We teach our students the most popular languages and frameworks through 70-minute 1:1 lessons on the most interactive platform possible!
Get a FREE consultation & session!

Technologies Learned

These are the main focuses of the course. We choose these technologies because they are easier to learn, and extremely powerful in the world of Web Development.


Learn HTML/CSS! They form the web as we know it, and are a must-know for engineers. Both of these technologies will be essential to the rest of the course.


React, maintained and created by Facebook, allows developers to create rich, interactive websites and apps.


Javascript is the #1 language in the world, with 70% developers using it at work! It will be the focal point of the class.

Course Schedule

This course should take between 3 - 6 months. Everyone's learning pace is different, and we make sure our students are comfortable with each topic before moving on.

Module 1

Intro to Computers

Here students will learn the basics of computer science, how programming works internally, and what a programming language is. This is a quick module, and most students will complete in it in a session or two.

We review some basic history and overarching concepts of computers and code. Students will leave with a strong understanding of the rudimentary properties of programming.

Module 2


Students will be introduced to HTML/CSS to understand the basics of web development. Afterwards, we switch gears to Javascript and logical programming.

We cover all the essentials parts of the Javascript language like variables, loops, objects, conditional statements, and functions. Each student will have multiple fun projects using P5.js, a graphics library.

Module 3


Students dive into React once a basic level of proficiency is acheived. Here, the students can choose from multiple projects, which we will build alongside in a pair programming session.

Students also start their portfolio website to showcase their projects to colleges. It is important for the student to continue interest, so our course is flexible in the interest of the students goals.

Module 4

API's & Backend

Backend is a deep, complicated world. We do our best to teach the fundamentals of full-stack development, including Databases, REST API’s, and Authentification.

Here, the student will create a to-do app to understand CRUD operations. The course is completed once the student can complete another full-stack application using the MERN stack (Mongoose, Express, React, Node).


If none of these plans quite fit you, schedule a consultation with us and tell us!



4 private lessons per month

Access to Gather Maps


Access to College Prep Material

2 Extra College Prep Sessions

Portfolio Website

Personal Recommedation Letter

Specialized Learning Plan

Micro-Learning Email Newsletter

Best for students who thrive through 1:1 guided lessons and practice.




8 private lessons per month

Access to Gather Maps


Access to College Prep Material

2 Extra College Prep Sessions

Portfolio Website

Personal Recommedation Letter

Specialized Learning Plan

Micro-Learning Email Newsletter

Perfect for students getting ready to enter the College Prep cycle.



10 private lessons per month

Access to Gather Maps


Access to College Prep Material

2 Extra College Prep Sessions

Portfolio Website

Personal Recommedation Letter

Specialized Learning Plan

Micro-Learning Email Newsletter

Students will have access to everything we have to offer!